Amazing. It only took me all day to load these few pictures. Now I remember why I have been away from blogging for soooo long! Anywho, life here has been crazy as always. Lots going on in our life the last few months, but God is good and faithful and is bringing us through it all!
The kids keep growing and getting bigger and older. They amaze me everyday, they also make me tired, ha! Paxton is almost finished with first grade, he is so smart-knows his multiplication tables (self taught), square roots through 16, division, and on it goes. It's so funny how he just loves learning math. He will probably pass me up next year! Paxton is also playing soccer with his travel team, which is always keeping us busy. Of course his bout with Pneumonia kept him away from the fields for a few weeks.
My sweet little girl is going to be 6 in a week, I just can't believe it. Neither can anyone else when they see how small she is! I was buying party supplies last week and the store clerk looked at her and asked if she was turning 4! So little but also so smart! She is a great leader in her class and reads super well! She is still loving ballet and her recital is coming up soon.
So we stay busy with the kiddos, Josh is busy with work and I am busy usually subbing at the kid's school or running around trying to get all my errands done in one day if I have off! So here are some pictures you all probably saw on Facebook, but I will share again. A few from Easter Sunday. Hopefully I will keep up with all the craziness that April and May bring, we'll see!