Saturday, September 29, 2007
Happy Birthday Grandmama!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
The Final Product
If you can't tell, this is actually just 1/4 of a piece of construction paper, so I really didn't have a lot of room. Other kids posters squeezed pictures on every ounce of the paper but I just didn't have the right pictures to do that. So if you can't tell, this poster is supposed to be about Paxton and his family- what we like to do, etc. So I have Disney World and ticket stub (because my kids are absolutely obsessed with Mickey since we went there this summer), the Beach (Paxton is always saying he wants to go back to the villa, which is where we stayed this summer), the family Spartan picture and ticket stub from the game, the Grandmama and Grandaddy picture (he loves them to pieces, sorry to Lala, Pam, Von, Granny, Matt, Jessica, Luke and Nathan, I just couldn't' squeeze that big picture of us all on there- but you know that Paxton adores you all), My Gym picture in the ball pit, and then I have a picture of Paxton holding his Bible that he got when he graduated from the nursery (he loves to carry his Bible to our Bible study- he says "This is God's word."- I love it) So I thought these things overall encompassed who Paxton and his family are. Of course there is much more to him and us but I though that hit the highlights!
Sunday, September 23, 2007
A "little" family gathering
Uncle Matt and Lorelei: Ridin' a horsie!
A new event in our family: The tissue paper throw! The kids love to get the tissue paper from the presents after somebody's birthday and throw it around the room until it is everywhere and in a million pieces! Of course Lorelei mostly just wants to eat the tissue paper: good fiber right?
This is Paxton after having a little time out in the car . . .
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Standing in the need of grace
Thursday, September 13, 2007
What I do all day
I read! Lorelei loves her books. She dumps them all on the floor on daily basis, well more like an hourly basis. The one she has in the picture is a book on opposites. This is her favorite book right now. She can point to pictures and say happy, sad, long, short, fast, hot, cold. She is too funny when she wants you to read her a book she turns around and starts backing into your lap. Yesterday I was sitting all the way across the room and she turned around and backed her way across the room and sat down in my lap.
I feed my baby dolls! I got Lorelei some new baby bottles for her dolls with the pretend milk and juice in them. She loves to "wok" her "baby" as she says and feed them too.
I put on my hats! Lorelei has a little obsession with hats. She loves them and always wants to wear one, unless of course I actually want her to. She is saying hat in the picture. Her favorite hat is her "Mickey hat", which is actually her Minnie Mouse ears hat but she doesn't say Minnie yet.
I sit with my "daddeee!" Ok, she actually does this when daddy comes home. She asks for him all day and she has finally learned to say "daddy wook," during the day. She gets so excited when she hears him come home at the end of the day, it is so cute!
I love to be me!! Lorelei is very friendly and smiley to everyone. She waves and says "Hi!!" to people in the store or where ever we go. She is at such a fun age because I can tell she is learning so much everyday. I can tell her to go get something for me or to do something and she comprehends and does it. She also sings "A B C," well that is as far as she gets right now. She can count a little (two and then nine and ten) and she has learned "circle." I think back to all that has happened with her and I know we are so blessed that she is doing so incredibly well!
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Football Fans
Paxton and Lorelei's "pre-game" attire. I knew that if I dressed them in their outfits for the game too early, they would mess them up. I was right! So these were there pre-game outifts for the day.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
He LOVES it!
Ms. Kathy and Ms. Tammy and Paxton on Meet the Teacher day
Working on a tower with some new friends (didn't catch the friends in the pic)
"Please, don't leave me here by myself!!!" Lorelei doesn't know what to do without Paxton. I have a new little mini me. She follows me around the house all day and will not play in the playroom by herself. Oh dear, we will have to figure out a new routine without big brother at home.
"See ya later, mama, no really you can go now."
My new karate uniform . . .
. . . my new karate moves!
Monday, September 3, 2007
Bowling 101
Check out my bowling shoes!
The high scorer! Ok, maybe it was the bumpers and ramp, but still good aim!
I'd make a cute bowling model, wouldn't I?
Pushing the ball, if only she could have followed the ball to the end.
All this bowling makes me want to take a nap!
The bowling gang: Paxton, Wyatt, Nathan, David (he just ran out of the picture) Lorelei, and Luke.