Merry Christmas to you all! Ok, I know Christmas was a couple of days ago but I am just now catching up! We had a wonderful Christmas day with our kids. Of course Paxton pretty much gets it and Lorelei understands some of it. They woke up bright and early on Christmas and turned on the lights to see if Santa had eaten the cookies we made. (They couldn't really tell from upstairs but they were still excited!) Paxton and Lorelei dragged us out of bed and we went downstairs to see what Santa had brought! Paxton got Power Rangers, a scooter, Lego's, a fireball race track, Monsters Inc. DVD and some other toys. Lorelei got a Princess tricycle (yes, she is young but her therapist recommended this for strengthening), Playdoh activity table, a Princess changing set, two DVDs and some other toys as well. Lorelei loves her tricycle and Paxton is learning how to do his scooter (it is a Razor so it takes some practice for balancing).
After Christmas morning at our house we headed up my parents house for some gift exchanging. We handed out all the presents and it was so hard for the little ones to wait their turn as we went around the circle of people. The kids of course got some more fun things! Paxton got a Spider Man-web shooter, a cash register, a globe, books, clothes and some other neat things. Lorelei got a Belle tea party set, a huge doll set (where you can change their clothes, etc.), a Dora TV phone, books, clothes and more neat things. Later in the day my brother and sister in law came with the boys. Paxton and Luke had such fun playing outside together. It was unseasonably warm but it was so nice for the boys to run off some energy.
Mom cooked an awesome lunch and we just had a super time visiting and being with the whole family! The kids enjoyed it all but by the end of the day they were wiped out and so were this mommy and daddy! Since Christmas, Paxton and Lorelei love playing with their new toys. Get this, this morning we got to stay in bed until 8:45!!! Unheard of in this household!! The kids got up early and came in to our room every so often but they were so enthralled with their new toys that they didn't notice us still in bed! AHHH, so very very nice! I know it won't last so we are eating it up while we can!
Waiting at the top of the steps for the "go ahead!"
Paxton checking out his new stuff!
Lorelei's digging her new bike!
All smiles on this Christmas morning: Grandmama, Paxton and Grandaddy
Lorelei's checking out her new Dora TV phone
Look Out!! It's Spiderman . . .
and his web shooter!
Paxton in his new helmet (which by the way is still too small! Santa brought him this new one for ages 5-8! What in the world?!! ) and new Razor scooter!
Lorelei loves her new Princess tricycle. Mama loves it too! It has a seat belt and a handle in the back so I can help her steer!
Lala and Granny. Granny is finally home from the hospital and rehab place. We were so thankful to have her with us to celebrate Christmas!
Josh and our nephew Micah! We got some good baby loving on Micah on Christmas day!
The cousin pics again! They are all holding their stockings that hang at my parents house.
Hope you all had a very Merry Christmas!