Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Oh MAN!!!!

Oh, my poor baby Paxton broke his leg!!!! Yes, it's true. On Sunday afternoon, we were playing at the park. We were just getting ready to leave when Paxton decided to take a few laps running. Well on this particular run, he stopped turned around and kind of slid in the wood chips. He went one way and his leg went the other. I was standing nearby and heard the SNAP!! Of course the hysterical screaming began immediately and Josh and I knew that it was broken as did the other people standing nearby at the park. We jumped in the car and took Lorelei to my parents house (more like threw her near the door and said TAKE HER!). We rushed to a Children's Immediate Care facility where they told us it would be 2 1/2 hours before he could be seen and that they couldn't cast it there anyway. So we went on down to the Children's Hospital where they actually took us pretty fast because of the break and Paxton's screaming.

They took x-rays and after the first one they couldn't see anything (it was taken straight on) and I was thinking, "Man, he sure is carrying on for it not to be broken!" Then they took an x-ray from the side and that's where they saw it. It is broken and shattered down the side of his leg from the knee towards the ankle. Poor Baby! He really broke it good! They put on a blue cast from the hip down to his toes and they said it would or could be 10 weeks before the cast comes off! Yes, that's right folks, 10 weeks of carrying Paxton everywhere-bathroom, upstairs, downstairs, kitchen, you name it.

Right now, he is still in a lot of pain but it is getting better. Of course he is on some major pain medication too. He just does not liked to be moved at all. It has been very traumatic for him and today he keeps saying "This is terrible, this is terrible." I have tried to tell him it will be ok and that it's not so bad, but I know for a little 3 1/2 year old, it's like the world has ended. No running or playing or any of things an active little boy likes to do. Anyway, we will make it through and Paxton will be ok. One day at a time, I tell myself. Hopefully we will be able to take him to church and other places later on, but for now we are home bound. God has a way of slowing us down, maybe he wants to teach us something or help Paxton learn something about patience and listening!

Pray for Pax, that recovery will be fast and as painless as possible. Pray that he will be able to eventually be able to move around in a shorter cast. We go to the Orthopedist on Friday, so hopefully they will be more positive than the ER doctor! Here are some pics of Paxton and his cast!
Oh, and I want to say a special thanks to Aunt Jessica and the boys for coming over and bringing all the wonderful DVD's and videos. Thanks to Cheri and the boys for bringing a wonderful dinner (which Lorelei ate up-amazing!) and checking on us! Thanks to Lala, Pam and Von for visiting us and rescuing me today while the power was out for 5 hours (yes no TV, DVDs, lights, etc!) Thanks to all who are praying and checking on us too- we feel the prayers and love you all!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Funny Paxton

Paxton says the funniest things. I just have to write them down so I can remember them!

*Daddy, look at your child (referring to Lorelei)!
*These scissors are not participating with me!
*I can't believe my girlfriend is going to be two soon! (referring to Lorelei because that is what daddy calls her!)

*I'll be John Brown! (that one's for you Grandmama)

*Lorelei, it's not ok that you aren't obeying, but don't worry, we still love you!

*Where's the hard button? (referring to the "Easy" button from Staples)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day to everybody. We had our party yesterday at a friend's house. My sweet friend Lori opened up her house to 15 toddlers and preschoolers to make valentines and have a heart shaped lunch! Paxton and Lorelei had a great time and they made some cute Valentine's Cards for Daddy. Of course, my kids always love to go to anybody's house who has a whole room dedicated to toys! Somebody else's toys are always much more fun than your own. We had a great time and the kids took a nice long nap when it was all done.

Today we gave Paxton and Lorelei their Valentine's Day gifts. Paxton got the game Hungry Hungry Hippo and Lorelei got the DVD "Cinderella." We have already played the game 4 times this morning, it's a hit with both kids. Hopefully we will be able to watch the DVD sometime soon too.
Tonight Josh and I are going out to a restaurant that is supposed to wonderful. Some of the people at Josh's work say it's the best food they have ever had. Ever? Wow, that's a big statement, so I am hoping for some yummy food tonight! Thanks to my wonderful mom and dad for keeping the kids! We appreciate your willingness and generosity to help us out! We know you love it too! (Hey, that's what grandparents do, right?)

Well that's all for now. Here are some cute pics of the kids in their Valentine's Day outfits, that they wore yesterday, enjoy!

My Handsome Valentine!

My Sweet Princess Valentine!

Aren't they too cute?!!

What a sweet pair!


Me and my sweet friend Robin, who will be having baby Bryce next week! We are so excited and can't wait to meet Emilie's baby brother!

Pax and his good friend Marshall

Lorelei, Annabelle and Mia!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Falling Behind

Well I have been falling behind on blogging lately. We have had a lot going on, but nothing that I will choose to blog about for all the world to hear! The kiddos are doing pretty good this week. Today we went to see Symphony Street at a local church. It was really well done. Lorelei did great and I think she enjoyed it more than Paxton. I thought he would soak it up because he is really into wanting to know more about violins, saxaphones, and other musical instruments. However, he was pretty whiny, but I think he still got something out of it! It was a challenge taking them both myself, plus we knew nobody there!

Today I got some cute pictures of Lorelei sitting in Paxton's lap while they were watching Word World on PBS (great show by the way!) Paxton has been particularly loving towards his little sister lately. Today he helped her up the steps too. He has been working hard on teaching Lorelei her colors and I think she is actually getting it now! It's like a little light bulb went off and not everything is yellow anymore.

Paxton is into the drilling me on every word I say and everything he sees: What does satellite mean? Can I get baptized? Tell me more about ambulances and what they do? What do you mean it is partly cloudy, what does partly mean? It can be taxing sometimes but I do my best to explain. He is full of life and questions, but I guess that is what three year olds do!

Monday, February 4, 2008


Finally we heard from the GI office today. They actually called Friday night at 6:30 but we were not home and missed the call. I called first thing this morning and they actually called me back within 30 minutes. So I talked to Dr. Tenjarla and as we suspected, nothing was found other than reflux. We had began to suspect that it was nothing when it took so long for them to call us back. So, no food allergies, bacterial or cell infections were found as they suspected. The doctor went up on her Prevacid (reflux med) and said to call her in a week. I kind of thought the whole time that this procedure might not find anything. Not sure what is next, she isn't doing great on eating, but is maintaining herself and is hydrated enough. Thanks for all the prayers, we will see what is next for our little Princess!

Friday, February 1, 2008

First Dentist Visit

Paxton had his first dental visit today and he did really well! We took him to the dentist we see because he is a friend of Josh's. We had read some books about going to the dentist and talked to Paxton about how to open his mouth wide, lay in the chair, etc. Josh took him this morning and he did great! Josh tried to get a picture of Paxton with the dentist and dental hygentist, but Paxton was done being on his best behavior and so the picture didn't happen.

In other news, no news from Lorelei's GI doctor. They did call once on Wednesday but I wasn't home. I just can't stay at home 24/7 waiting for them to call. I have decided that next week I am going to get my pediatrician involved to see if we can get some kind of information! AHHH, so frustrating! We will let everyone know when or if we ever find something out.