No, no my friends, your eyes do not deceive you. No, you are not looking at a picture taken in February. You are looking at a picture taken today, July 12th. Yes, that's right people, Paxton BROKE HIS LEG AGAIN!!!!!! I know, can you believe it? We sure can't! How did this happen, you say? Where did it happen? Well, where else would it have happened? The PARK!! That wretched park, which Josh has now forbidden me to ever take our children to again.
Here's the lowdown. I took the kids to the park yesterday for a picnic and some play time. Paxton found some friends to play with at the park and they were playing chase. They were running up and down and all around the playground equipment. I didn't see what happened, but somehow Paxton was going down one of those twisty slides and I guess his leg got twisted before his body did, or something like that. He immediately starting screaming for me saying that he broke his leg. Of course, I was like "No, No, you are ok." I did start to get a little paranoid when the screaming persisted and he was pointing to the EXACT SAME SPOT and LEG as last time. So random, doctor man at the park runs up with medical supplies, checks it out, wraps it up, and says its not broken, just sprained or twisted. So I think ok, that makes sense. I called Josh and we agreed to just give him some Motrin and let him take a nap. So we did and he seemed to be doing ok after his nap, but he still would not walk on it at all. By 6:00 the screaming had started again and we decided that we should probably get it checked out at the ER. So we tracked down my parents to stay with Lorelei and by 7:30 we were on our way.
Thankfully the ER was not crowded at all and they took us right back. They took the x-rays and the goofy doctor (he was quite goofy) said it was broken across the bone instead of a spiral fracture like last time. So it's different break from last time but it's the same bone, etc. He didn't really want to answer our questions about why did this happen again, was it not fully healed and so on. He said to save it for the Orthopedic doctors who we will get to see again Monday or Tuesday. And yes, it is a full leg cast again, this time it is red and blue- a Superman cast!
So anyway, that is our drama for the day, week, month, twice in a year thing. Hopefully the ordeal will not be as long or as bad as last time. Josh just threw away our handicap sticker from last time so I guess we will be finding another one. What stinks this time is that it is summer time! My little swimmer and outdoor boy is going to have a hard time with that one. Needless to say, he is a little grumpy today and we are all trying to adjust back to carrying our almost 4 year old around everywhere!! Keep us in your prayers and we will keep you updated!

This time we are all signing his cast. The Ortho staff at the ER wrote "See You Again!" Haha! I hope not!