Anywho, the night began with lots of friends, fun and games. Paxton has several special friends at church and has for a while. But Lorelei is just now beginning to really make the cutest friendships. I love seeing her with her little girlfriends holding hands and running around-too cute. So, Paxton loved playing the games and Lorelei socialized with her friends. Then we went out to the parking lot for some trunk or treating. The kids loved going from car to car getting candy and seeing everyone all dressed up. We also had hot dogs, popcorn, lemonade, cookies and of course candy. Paxton enjoyed the jump house and we ended the night with a night time hayride (that went really fast by the way!) So here are my little trunk or treators!
Emilie and Paxton: Looks like someone is already in charge of this relationship!!
Katie, Mia, Lorelei and Belle. Now tell me how stinkin' cute are these girlies!
Adorable-I love it!
Lorelei and Belle. And no Belle is not years older than Lorelei, just a few months!
Paxton concentrating on his bowling game.
Tink and Peter Pan standing in front of one of the many decorated "trunks" that night!