that my baby started Kindergarten today!!! I cannot believe that I have a child in school! We have all been gearing up for this first day for quite a while now. Paxton has been excited but more than anything his parents have been quite anxious and also excited. We have been getting uniforms, shoes, backpack, coats, lunchboxes, nap mats, you name it and we have been shopping for it. Last week we got to meet his teachers and look around his classroom and today was the BIG day! We woke up early, fixed a big breakfast and were out the door by 7:15, which is way, way early around here. Most days we roll out of bed around 7:45-8:00! So I am sure by tonight we will all be exhausted! Lorelei was most unhappy to be shoved out the door so early this morning but Paxton was all jittery smiles and little boy energy!
We were surprised to find a parking spot on the large campus he attends this morning as well. Josh and I wanted to walk him in on the first day. He took the obligatory pictures around the school and in his classroom. When it was time for us to leave his was all for it! Saying "No more pictures, you can go now." So were we sad, did we cry- no not today. We have had our moments, like last night when we read the story the "The Kissing Hand" and Pax gave us each our own kissing hand (read the book and you will understand). We did get choked up and there have been other days where it has really hit home, but today, today was good and we are good. I am so proud of my little man and we have said many special prayers for him to have a wonderful school year!
So did he love it, was it fantastic, how was his first day? He loved it! He talked a mile a minute the whole way home and he was just so excited. He told me about his new friends and the new rules and just everything! I don't see him get that excited too often! I am so pleased that he loved it! Can't wait to see how the rest of the year goes! Enjoy the pictures of my handsome school kid!

All set and ready to head out with his handsome uniform and backpack and of course the Transformer lunch box!

Lorelei wasn't too happy to be awoken so early this morning!

We found Grandaddy walking the campus this morning! Love this shot!

Paxton is fascinated that others call Grandaddy, "Dr. Fincher" but he doesn't have to!

Getting ready to go into his school. Most days we will just drop him off but today Josh and I really wanted to walk him in.

Big Man on Campus!

Paxton and his sweet friend EmmaClaire are in the same class, we are so excited!

Mrs. Thomas is showing Paxton where to put all of his stuff in his cubby.

Sitting at his desk getting ready to do a little playing with legos first thing.

One last hug and picture with Mama.

Paxton with his teacher Mrs. Turbeville. We are super excited that he got Mrs. Turbeville this year. We know Paxton will have a great time in her class!
An early morning first day of school shot in typical Paxton fashion!