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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Ahhhh, beach time!

We just returned from a fabulous beach vacation with my parents in Gulf Shores. It was so relaxing and we had a blast doing the beach thing! My parents treated us to a wonderful week in the penthouse at the Beach Club and the view was worth it alone! We tasted some yummy seafood, played some mini golf, raced cars, did some shopping, hung out at the pool and more!

Of course we had our not so memorable occasions too! Paxton and Josh both got stung by jelly fish one day, ouch! Josh says it feels much worse than a bee sting, I am glad for him to know that and not me! My poor little Pax sure didn't care for it either. Not to be left out of the pain factor, Lorelei, who has just learned to swim (yeah and finally), decided to jump in the pool and then turn around at the same time. Thus smashing her chin onto the side of the pool and busting it open. No stitches since we were not really near a hospital but she could have probably used a couple. Ah, that is life with two active kiddos. Happy to say though, that both got back in the pool and or ocean after the incidents.

Eating at Guy Harveys at the Warf

You can probably guess who ALWAYS wins when we play this game. HINT: It's the person who does this for their job (or so he says : )

Grandaddy taking some swings

It was so fun just to hang out in the condo and relax, read, color and just take in God's beauty!

The view from our room, this makes it look a lot further away then it actually was.

Little Miss Beach girl.

Proud of her sand castle, complete with a bridge. The kids loves playing in the sand everyday. They were so entertained and Josh and I could relax under our tent and enjoy!

Paxton with his skimmer board.

This was pretty hard for him to do, he got a couple of times.

Our Penthouse at the very top left corner of the building on the left.

So I always see people getting their beach pictures done in their nice white clothes so I thought we would try a few. Of course we didn't want to spring for a professional photographer, so thanks Grandaddy for taking these for us!

Ahh, the ropes course. When Josh told me they were going to do it while we were waiting to eat, I didn't really notice exactly how scary it would be. This ropes course gave me a small heart attack, especially when my 6 year old was 3 stories high on a tight rope only being held up by a harness around him. I was begging Josh to bring him down but Josh thought it was grand fun and so did Paxton. He actually did awesome up there but I was not really happy about it!

Grandmama and Lorelei hanging out at Lulu's, waiting to eat.

Grandaddy and Paxton at Lulu's

The girls.

There was this guy that kept rowing by on his surfboard while we ate and Lulu's, Hang Ten!

A little race car action. The kids loved this place called The Track, lots of race cars and rides, bumper boats, etc. Unfortunately my camera died right after the first ride.

Josh and I celebrated our 12th anniversary while we were down there. We got a night out to ourselves and really had fun!

Hanging out in the penthouse, checking messages.

Grandaddy and Lorelei relaxing.

Grandmama and Paxton playing some hangman. They also read most of Prince Caspian, from the Narnia Chronicles, together while we were down there.

What a wonderful trip!