Another month has come and gone and of course December brings lots of activities for us! We have been busy with ballet, piano, Christmas crafts and goodies and of course our Elfie has been very busy this month as well!
We have finally slowed down since school got out last week and are enjoying more down time. I have tried to plan something fun for the kids to do each day to keep them from being "bored", a favorite word here.
To start off, Paxton received the Presidential Fitness Award this month. He was one of 6 first grade boys to get it. Now we all know he doesn't get that athletic talent from his mom! We were super proud of him for this award!
Lorelei and Paxton with Lala, Pam and Von before Paxton's piano recital.
He played Pastorale and Deck the Halls. Of course he did an excellent job, even managed to scratch his head while playing, such talent!
Paxton has taught himself how to play Carol of the Bells and Gonna Shake Heaven from just sounding it out on the piano.
Here the kids are making their Christmas lists to take to Santa.
Lorelei did a great job writing her list and sounding out her words.
Paxton's work is more detailed.
Hey Santa, don't forget those batteries!
Me and my girl.
Lorelei and Jilly, her AG doll, dressed alike and ready to hit the mall to see Santa. I hear Jilly will be having a nice Christmas as well this year, at least from the looks of the list she will be getting quite a few things for herself!
The adorable but obligatory Christmas photos of 2011.
Daddy was making some kind of crazy faces behind me to get these laughs!
The happy ballerina with her fans!