Ok, I digress, the party. The party was lots of fun complete with a million Disney Princess balloons (I asked daddy to pick up ONE on the way home- he came home with every one that they had!), Princess decor and one super awesome Princess castle cake-thanks to Publix! All the fam was there and we started by opening gifts, well, really mommy opened a lot of them but she enjoyed the whole concept. She kept saying "More presents, mama, more!" Lorelei got lots of great clothes, shoes, toys and one Super Awesome Cinderella life size doll- thanks Grandmama and Grandaddy! She totes this thing around everywhere. I told myself I would not let her sleep with it too, along with her other three sleep friends, but alas, I gave in. Anything to stop the whining over no pacis. And yes so far it's working. I don't know how they all sleep in that crib, but hey, she's happy about it. Lorelei loved all her gifts really and she (along with her bro) have really enjoyed playing with them all weekend.
We also ate pizza and of course cake and ice cream. Lorelei's favorites! Lorelei enjoyed just walking around and visiting with everyone. Thanks to all the family who could make it. And thanks to Aunt Amy, Uncle Jerry and Emily for the awesome Princess package that arrived in the mail this week-she's lovin' it!!
Oh and I must add, it can't be a Princess party without some dress up. So Lorelei was dressed up in her new garb as Cinderella. She was too adorable!! Of course by the end of the party I think they only thing that remained on was the outfit- the shoes, jewelry and tiara were MIA. Here are some pics from our exciting weekend. Ahh, but the fun ends tomorrow with a gift from the Pediatrician- a check up that comes with shots!
Sorry the pics are so blurred, I think our camera is starting to die. I hate that, of course it would do that on her birthday!
The awesome Princess Castle Cake!
My little Cinderella!
Life sized Cinderella doll!
Hanging out with Lala- those two could spend hours playing and talking!
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