She was so excited to have a backpack and lunch box. She wanted to carry it all over the house before it was even time to go. She didn't seem nervous, just excited! Her teacher had her morning work out (I know right? Morning work for 3 year olds?!) and Lorelei got started right away. We took some pictures and then mommy and daddy left. This mama cried all the way to the car and at the gym today too. I even opened her van car door a few times forgetting she wasn't there. So sad for me, but little Princess seemed happy.
Picking her up from school was a different story. She was pretty disheveled with a snotty face and dirt all in her shoes. She was whining for a special treat and just seemed "not together", if that makes sense. Her teacher told me she talked a lot (big surprise there) and kind of wondered around from this to that. I don't know, I am hoping it's just the cold she has been fighting the last week that was making her act like that. So she cried all the way home because she wanted a snack and then fell asleep and has been for the last 2 1/2 hours (thank goodness Josh picked Paxton up from school today so I didn't have to wake her!). Hopefully tomorrow will be better. I told her that tomorrow I just want her to be quiet at school. We will see! Her teachers seem really nice and have lots of experience so I am sure they have seen it all before. Anyway here are the pics of her before school when she was a bit more put together! LOL!
*Also, I did several posts today so be sure and scroll down to read them all!*
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