My Paxton is so full of life! I just wanted to take this space to just update and keep record of all the things he has been saying and doing latley. Paxton is the sweetest, brightest and funniest child! He is constantly amazing us at what he says and does. Here are some things that are "All About Paxton"
1. Paxton loves to talk. He can talk and talk for hours on one subject. Some of the cute things he says are:
Mama, I love you with all of my heart.
Look at that beautiful sky, and I love everybody in this family.
2. Paxton loves numbers. Any number game, adding, matching number sets, calculators, whatever has numbers, he wants it. He can add any number set up to 10, he can count to 100 and by 10's. We have lots of math games and he always says, Mama, I want to do my math!
3. He also likes books, letters, words, and any kind of art thing. Coloring, painting, stickers, etc, he likes to get into.
4. Paxton is not a big TV watcher, he never has been, unfortunatley for me, but he does have some favorite DVD's. He likes Leap Frogs' Math Circus and Word Factory, The Wiggles, Barney and some of the Veggie Tales song DVDs.
5. He loves his little sister Lorelei, but it is a typical brother sister relationship. Sometimes they have fun together but other times he does NOT want her to touch his stuff or mess up his towers. They play little games together but usually Lorelei tires of them too quickly or Paxton gets frustrated with her. I know that as they get older they will share a special relationship and I think Paxton will always be a good protector of his little sister. Whenever she is crying, he comes and says, "Mama, Lorelei is crying, I think she hurt herself, maybe I should go get her paci." How sweet! I think the crying bothers him but he is a good helper.
6. Paxton goes to My Gym, which is a gymnastics program and he loves it! He loves hanging on the high bars and the trapeze. The ball pit is also a big favorite of his. He also adores one of his teachers, Miss Jill!
7. Paxton loves Sunday School and our preacher Mr. Jody. Ever since family Bible week, he has been obsessed with Mr. Jody (Jody was the emcee for the kids program that week) Paxton even named one of his alligators from the Alligator Farm, Jody!
8. This summer Paxton has loved swimming in the neighborhood pool. He loves going outside and playing with all of his sports equipment and he also enjoys swinging.
9. Paxton's loves loves loves his grandmama! Now that we live two doors down from them, he gets to see her everyday but that is definetly not enough. Last week at the beach he got to spend all day with her and he loved it. He cries, really cries, everytime he has to leave her sight. There is no other person right now that he would rather be with then his grandmama. Of course daddy is a close second, and I think mama may be last of all. Oh well, I do have another child who LOVES her mama!
10. Paxton loves to sing. He is a great singer. He sings all the words to many songs and can carry a pretty good tune for a two year old. He sings chuch songs like Jesus loves me and This is the day, he loves to sing the Wiggles, and then just typical preschool songs like Ring around the Rosies.
11. I think Paxton loves to be on stage. It all started when he was in a little show for Preschool this year. Then during family Bible Week Mr. Jody let Paxton come up on stage with him and lead a prayer and sing some songs with the music videos. He loves to be the center of attention and make people smile. It can be a wonderful thing but sometimes his timing is not great!
Well I guess that is a good start and I am sure I will think of a hundred more things later! I love my big boy!
1 comment:
I am so excited you have started a blog! Now I have another one to read. I read Emily's blog religiously and also her friends. (I now feel like they're my friends because I know them so well! :) I can't wait to see you in one week! YEAH!!Christie
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