1. Lorelei is learning to say lots of things. She is in that parrot stage where she repeats words a lot. I am trying to keep track of some of the things she says but she is constantly adding new words. I think she says about 20 words now, which I think is pretty good for a 14 month old. Some of the things she says is up, truck, down, hot, pop-tart, open, I see, uh-oh, ball, kick, mama, daddy, and today she added the word water. I have a list somewhere with all the words that my mom wrote down at the beach last week.
2. Lorelei loves to play with balls, trucks, books and anything that has or looks like an animal. Those are her favorite things for the most part. My mom taught her how to rock her baby doll last week and today I caught her trying to steal her baby doll's paci. We just bought her a new kitchen, so I am hoping to get her into more girlish things, even though a tomboy wouldn't be bad. Josh would love it.
She also loves, I mean absolutely adores any animal. She just loves our kitty cat and any dog or animal that we see when we are out.
3. Lorelei and eating. Well those of you who know her past, know that this has been a huge struggle for us. Lorelei continues to exhort her will with eating. She does pretty well but she is picky. She is on a all fruit diet right now, she refuses to eat anything else if she sees fruit out. Some things I know that she will always eat are pizza, french fries, fruit, and most anything sweet. Everything else, I never know if she will eat it up or absolutely refuse it. Paxton has always been such a good eater and he eats most everything, so it has been hard for me to balance her diet with her preferences.
4. She is a Mama's girl. She loves her mama more than anything else. Josh says I have spoiled her by letting her scream bloody murder until I give in and pick her up. But who can resist those little eyes and open arms asking for her mama. Lorelei likes to be around others and of course especially loves my mom. But when it comes down to it, she wants her mama and that is that!
5. Lorelei, as you can tell, is very strong willed. I think she becomes more strong willed each day. She really really wants her way and wants it a few minutes ago. She can be as sweet as can be, but boy when she gets upset, you better watch out! We are trying to teach her not to yell when she wants something but to point or use words or sign language. She really tries to communicate with us and I think she gets frustrated when we don't get it.
6. Bedtime. I have never know any child that loves to sleep like Lorelei. When you tell her it is time for a nap or bedtime, she runs, literally, to her bed and yells until you get there to put her in it. It is a major struggle to get her to stay up to 7:00 each night. You might think how lucky I am, and sometimes it is nice, but we can never be out after 6:30 or we will have an upset child on our hands. This makes evening church, going out to eat and other evening family outings very difficult. She also loves her nap time. Hey, what can I say, she is her mama's girl.
7. Lorelei likes TV and videos pretty well. She watches it better than Paxton but really watches the same things he does. She is starting to like Dora, which is, yeah, a girl show.
8. Lorelei is my dancing queen. I am serious this girl can get down. She wiggles those hips back and forth and gets after it anytime she hears music. It is seriously funny! I will have to post a video of her dancing. She dances to the ABC song, or the Wiggles, or elevator music in a store. I think she has a taste for music!
My little babe has been through a lot and we look at her everyday and see what a blessing and miracle she is. God has really blessed us and we are so so thankful for our little blessing!
I have really enjoyed reading about Paxton and Lorelei!! I feel like I know them so well now.
Can't wait to see you next week.
at least she likes fruit!!!! she could be on an all-cake diet, which i would of course choose if i was 1!! :) many many prayers have been said on sweet lorelei's behalf, and it is such an answered prayer to read about how well she is doing.
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