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Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Lorelei Update

**Update**- The scope has been scheduled for Friday, January 18th.

For all of you keeping up with Lorelei's health, you might have known that we had a GI check up this week. This was the one where we were told last time (October) if she had not grown sufficiently she would "have bought herself a scope." Well, looks like Lorelei went ahead and bought herself that ticket for an endoscopy. We visited with her sweet GI doctor yesterday and once again Lorelei has fallen down on the charts for growth. She did gain some weight and grow a little bit taller but not sufficiently. The doctors want to see if there is anything going on in her that could be causing this. A scope is where they put her under anesthesia and put a camera down into her stomach, look around, take biopsies (small amounts of tissue), and then she will come out of it. It is an outpatient procedure, thankfully, but it will take a lot of the day and the procedure will be done at the Children's Hospital in the operating room. We are not sure yet when it will be done, maybe as early as next Friday. I will let everyone know when we know.In addition, they have ordered some labs drawn, which we didn't get done yesterday due to child care issues.

So, anyway, just to review: They are NOT doing this because Lorelei is small. They are doing this because over a year ago she was in the 75%, then %50, then %40, then %30, then %20, then %10 and now less than 3rd%. They said next time she would not even be on the charts. It is not normal for a child to drop this much. Her technical term right now is "failing to thrive." I know, and our doctor knows, that she isn't failing to thrive but both doctors tell us this is not right. So we trust them and we want Lorelei to meet her full potential. If that means she is small, fine, but as for now we will do what the doctors' years of training tell us to do.

Please pray that all the decisions being made are helping Lorelei in the long run. Pray that the upcoming procedure goes smoothly. Please pray that if they find something that it is treatable that she can grow to her God given potential. If they don't find anything, pray that the doctors can figure it all out another way.
We are doing ok with all of this. We knew it was a distinct possibility and are not that surprised by it all. We are ready to be done with it and not have to keep going back to doctors, but in the whole picture of Lorelei's life this is not huge ordeal. I will keep everyone updated as I know more! Thanks to all!

Lorelei and her three new best friends:

Snow White, Dorothy the Dinosaur, and Minnie Mouse

1 comment:

digging a hole to China said...

i'm so sorry to hear your latest news. we will all be praying for you guys and that this scope will yield results to make her better. please keep us in prayer as well. aidyn had her 2 year appointment on the 10th and she still hasn't gained any weight since we moved here. still weighs 18 pounds some days and 19 pounds some days. she has gotten taller and is finally on the chart for height. but what is totally stressing us out is that her head hasn't grown since we moved here. not even a budge. she is a straight line on her charts. our ped who is totally laid back says he is concerned bc this means her brain isn't growing. so they took blood and are running tests. we were supposed to hear something friday or today, but no calls yet. i'm sitting on the phone hoping it will ring. of course, i'm at total loss on what questions to ask when i do get the call. do you have any experience with this?? ped said it could be several issues such as thyroid, liver, pit. gland, growth hormone, and i forget the rest. my eyes were too busy getting glassy. i will let you know when we hear something.