Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

2 Year Old Pictures!

Ok, this turned out so stinkin' cute!! We had such a hard time choosing which ones. I told myself only 3 poses, but alas, I came out with 6 poses plus some additional specialities. Seriously, Lorelei did such a GREAT job and the girl took like 80 poses and about 75 of them were awesome!!Lorelei has on two different custom made outfits and one Strasburg dress- hey, gotta do it right for the Princess! Enjoy!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Princess Party!!!

On Saturday we had Lorelei's Princess Party. We are still just doing family parties now, maybe next year we will include friends. Anyway, turned out to be a great party. Little Princess was a little cranky because yes, drum roll please, we took away her pacis. I just decided to take them all away, cold turkey, this week. She is doing pretty good, but it all comes with some crying and not sleeping quite as long as usual.

Ok, I digress, the party. The party was lots of fun complete with a million Disney Princess balloons (I asked daddy to pick up ONE on the way home- he came home with every one that they had!), Princess decor and one super awesome Princess castle cake-thanks to Publix! All the fam was there and we started by opening gifts, well, really mommy opened a lot of them but she enjoyed the whole concept. She kept saying "More presents, mama, more!" Lorelei got lots of great clothes, shoes, toys and one Super Awesome Cinderella life size doll- thanks Grandmama and Grandaddy! She totes this thing around everywhere. I told myself I would not let her sleep with it too, along with her other three sleep friends, but alas, I gave in. Anything to stop the whining over no pacis. And yes so far it's working. I don't know how they all sleep in that crib, but hey, she's happy about it. Lorelei loved all her gifts really and she (along with her bro) have really enjoyed playing with them all weekend.
We also ate pizza and of course cake and ice cream. Lorelei's favorites! Lorelei enjoyed just walking around and visiting with everyone. Thanks to all the family who could make it. And thanks to Aunt Amy, Uncle Jerry and Emily for the awesome Princess package that arrived in the mail this week-she's lovin' it!!

Oh and I must add, it can't be a Princess party without some dress up. So Lorelei was dressed up in her new garb as Cinderella. She was too adorable!! Of course by the end of the party I think they only thing that remained on was the outfit- the shoes, jewelry and tiara were MIA. Here are some pics from our exciting weekend. Ahh, but the fun ends tomorrow with a gift from the Pediatrician- a check up that comes with shots!

Sorry the pics are so blurred, I think our camera is starting to die. I hate that, of course it would do that on her birthday!

The awesome Princess Castle Cake!

My little Cinderella!

Life sized Cinderella doll!

Hanging out with Lala- those two could spend hours playing and talking!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Chuck E Cheese and Build a Bear

On Tuesday night we took Lorelei and Paxton to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate Lorelei's birthday. But before we went, we gave Lorelei her presents. It was definetly a Princess themed event! She got Disney Princess dress up clothes, shoes, jewelry, purse and then a Leap Frog DVD. She is most certainly enjoying it all, especially the dress up clothes/shoes/jewelry. Every morning she drags it all out and is in heaven!! I will have to get some pictures of her in them.
We had a great time at Chuck E Cheese, although Lorelei is at the age now where she gets scared of things easily. She wouldn't get on stage with Chuck E but she was fascinated by him. She would only ride the Barney ride and Teletubbies ride. She did NOT want to do anything else. Of course Paxton had a blast running from one thing to another. Both kids did ride the wave runner with daddy. I had to take Lorelei off though because she was all done!

After some pizza and games we went to the mall and to Build A Bear. Lorelei has never been here before so she wanted to pick up every single stuffed animal that they had. She finally decided on a pink poodle. Paxton enjoyed watching the whole process and he helped with the stuffing of the poodle. Next we picked out an outfit for the poodle to wear. Well we found the Disney Princess section and it was all over. She really wanted the Tinker Bell outfit (I guess because we just recently watched Peter Pan for the first time). Ok, so we got the Tinker Bell. A little odd, a poodle with a Tinker Bell outfit and wings, but that's what she wanted. So Tinker Bell Poodle came home with us, she is almost as big as Lorelei! We had a fun evening and finished the night off with some ice cream. Here are the pics of our evening!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Lorelei!

I can't believe that my baby is two today! Time has passed by so quickly! Lorelei is having a great birthday so far! Of course I am not sure she really knows it is her birthday yet. She keeps saying "I'm two in April," or "I'll be two in couple of weeks." Paxton and I have been trying to communicate to her that today she is two. Maybe she will get it later on tonight.

So far today we have been to the park with a bunch of friends. It wasn't planned for Lorelei's birthday but it worked out well. The kids got to play and sweet Suzanne made cupcakes cones for the kiddos in celebration of Lorelei's birthday. So she got to see all her friends, play at the park and eat cupcakes. What more could a two year old want? (Pics are at the bottom of today-the first ones aren't as good because I had my flash off!.)

Tonight we are headed out to Chuck-E-Cheese and maybe Build a Bear for some more celebrating. Her actual Princess party will be on Saturday with all the family. So lots more blogging and pictures to come! I wanted to take this blog space to just write down some of the cute things Lorelei says and does and just say how much we LOVE our big girl!

*Lorelei is such a SWEET girl! She often comes up to me and hugs me and says "I love you, Mama." Just for no reason, makes my heart melt!

*She loves the nursery at church! Loves the people and knows all the songs and stories by heart- they call her the assistant teacher! It's going to break every one's heart there when she moves up to the two year old class- including Lorelei! I told Ms. Debbie this week- no rush, I have a feeling this transition will not be fun!

*Lorelei loves her big brother. She wants to show him things all the time. "Show Paxton, hey Paxton look Princesses!" She is pretty good about playing with him and they are getting better about playing together rather than side by side.

*Lorelei loves her family! Grandmama, Grandaddy, Lala, Pam and Von, Matt, Jessica, Nathan, and Luke. She gets so excited when she sees any of them! She has a special bond with each person in a special way.

*She is Daddy's princess. Oh, Lorelei loves for daddy to gush over her and "escort" her down the stairs each Sunday morning in her Sunday dress. Of course she loves to wrestle with him too! One of my "favorite" things Daddy has taught Lorelei is to scream "Nuggies!" and "Claw!" Daddy is very much lovin' his baby girl too! I am not sure he is ever going to let her out when she gets older, he is very protective of his girlfriend.

*Of course I think she is a Mama's girl too! I love our special bond and the way we can play with princesses and play house. She loves to "make" me food and bring it to me to eat. I was impressed the other day when she brought me two of my favorites: bagels and carrot cake!

*Lorelei is a girly girl! She loves her bows and shoes, her princesses and little ponies. She loves to push her baby dolls around in their stroller and she carries her purse everywhere!!

*She is also Ms. Independent. Everything now is "I do it myself!!" Including wanting to cross the street alone- we are working on it!! If I dare try to lift the spoon or fork to help her she throws a fit!
*Lorelei know all her colors and shapes. She can count to 14 in English and 10 in Spanish. She recognizes almost all the numbers to 10. She recognizes the majority of the alphabet, there are about 10 letters we are still working on. Of course, we think she is very smart and people often comment on her verbal ability- she has a three year old brother that never stops talking-so she picks up some words here and there.

*She is a big singer, especially in church! Unfortunately, they are not church songs. But she will belt out Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and By-Oh-Baby-Bunting for the whole church to hear. We are working on the concept of whispering but that is very difficult for her right now. She is so cute singing around the house. She sings little ditties to herself and will often be heard singing "This is the Day" and "Jesus Loves Me" too!

*She is still in a crib- we plan on moving her to a big bed this summer. She still uses a paci but only at night- we will phase that out when I get brave enough. She isn't potty trained yet- but we have started! More on that to come!

*Lorelei is still tiny tiny! People think she is lot younger than two. We are working on it but I just try not to force the issue with her. We go next week for a check up so I will have official stats then.
We love our baby girl so much! She is such a huge blessing to us. She can bring a smile on even the worst of days! She is light that shines and she is gift from GOD! Happy Birthday Lorelei Sophia Osborne!!

My Two Year Old Girl!

Hmmm. . . I wonder why Mama keeps taking pictures of me??

MyLittle Monkey!

Emilie and Lorelei. Emmie and Lorelei have become great playbuddies latley. Emmie was being a sweetie and giving Lorelei a push on the swing!

Yummy cupcake cones! Aren't these cool? They are so easy for the kids to eat!

Of course Lorelei had to have a pink one!

Wyatt and Katie.

Mia, Wyatt, Katie, Lorelei and Paxton.

The cousins: Addie, Emilie, and Annabelle.

Lorelei could not finish hers so Paxton helped her out- isn't he sweet?