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Thursday, April 10, 2008

"Is God both?"

"Mama, Is God both?" Paxton asked me yesterday while we were waiting for Daddy at the grocery store (yes, somehow I am always the one that gets the hard questions.)
"Is God both what?" I asked.
"Is God both God and Jesus or are they two different?"
Whew, that's a hard one buddy! But I proceeded to try to explain the idea of the Trinity and how God is three in one but yet separate. We discussed the Holy Spirit who lives inside of you and helps you make good choices and decisions (he had many questions about that one.) I don't know if he followed all my explanation but I tried to keep it basic yet still answering his question.

Then he asked "Who was God born to?"
"Well son, God was not born. He was, He is and He is to come. He is the Alpha, Omega, Beginning and the End. He has always been around and will always be."
Paxton said "Well Jesus was born in Bethlehem to Mary and Joseph."
"Yes, He was born to a woman, but he was God's son to and He came to earth, and He was perfect, and He did many miracles and loved everyone. But many bad people killed Him on the cross to save us from our sins so that we could live in Heaven one day with God. But He isn't dead anymore,he arose and lives with God in Heaven, now."

Paxton: Oh, Yeah I know."

Wow! This coming from my three and half year old. When Josh got back in the car I told I had just gone over all the basics of Christianity. He said,"I am glad I get the easy questions!"

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