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Sunday, January 18, 2009

One New Year's Resolution Down . . .

. . . and many more to go! Actually we don't really make New Year's Resolutions in our family. Sure we like to reflect on the previous year and look ahead to the year to come but in terms of actual resolutions, not so much. Anyway, so what's this post about then? Well on New Year's Day, Paxton's Aunt Jessica asked him what his New Year's Resolution was and he said in his four year old silliness "To go to the Cheesecake Factory!" (As if we actually go there more than once a year!) He has asked about it a couple of times and so last night on a cold yucky night we trekked down to the Cheesecake Factory for a yummy meal. I mean hey, you don't have to ask me twice to go there!! We really had a lot of fun and we figured anytime was a great time to fill our skinny kids up with some fattening cheesecake!

So back to the whole New Year's Resolution topic. I think while it is good to make resolutions, they are just so hard to stick to! I prefer, actually Josh and I prefer, to work on ourselves each and every day. Making one or two big resolutions or promises to yourself seems to be like tying a big boulder around your ankle and dragging it around until you have done that resolution! And seriously, to ask my dear sweet little Paxton to make a resolution for the year is another shot in the foot. I mean the kid was worried all through December about January because there are no big holidays this month! So, you could see where we wouldn't want to add any stress to a child who already holds us till our death to keep any promises or words we might have said!
Around here we just work on one day at a time-trying to make it better than the day before. And besides, when we make all these promises to ourselves about what we are or are not going to do, it makes it difficult to let God lead our lives and help us make daily choices according to His good and perfect will! And I must be honest in saying that I am a planner and a perfectionist and maybe adding one more "thing" to my list would send me over the top! So, not to bash any of you who made resolutions this year, they are in fact a good way to get going on the right track! But I think for this busy mom, taking it one day at a time is all I can hang on to right now!
All dressed up and ready to go out! How cute are they!??
Josh made endless fun of me for taking this picture! He said I looked like a big hillbilly from the mountains that didn't get out much! Man, the ridicule I suffer for my blog readers!

Oh heaven, oh bliss . . .


Boys on one side, Girls on the other! We ALWAYS sit like this whenever we go out!


Ashley said...

The picture of Paxton eating the cheesecake is priceless! I guess my eyes roll in the back of my head too when I eat cheesecake!:)

Anonymous said...

I couldn't agree with you more about the resolutions.